Last week was a turbulent week. The Dow retreated 1.03%, S&P500 retreated 1.28% and the Nasdaq composite retreated 2.48% on a week on week basis.
Just when we thought the situation in the Middle East is chaotic enough, Japan got hit by an unfortunate earthquake resulting in a huge tsunami that caused
devastation across the north-eastern region. In fact, a nuclear facility is damaged enough to cause concerns of a meltdown which could affect the country
and the region.
In the face of such turmoil, world markets were largely down last week despite the pullback in oil price. In fact, Asian markets continue to come under pressure
right now, Monday morning in Asia. As such, it is going to be yet another volatile week made more volatile by the Quadruple Witching on Friday.
We continue to pray for the lost and missing in Japan.
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